It’s a great feeling to have a productive meeting that leaves everyone inspired. It’s even better to have a meeting where great ideas are shared, plans are made and tasks are assigned. However, the more important question is how long this feeling of being energized will last for you and your team? What happens when you are inundated with work and the excitement of the meeting has worn off? It is during this time when best laid plans and tasks just become notes from another meeting. This is when everyone is back to business as usual and the great ideas are forgotten. As a leader in your organization, it is your responsibility to maintain the momentum gained in a productive meeting and to translate this to achieving goals and objectives.

Translating Great Ideas

Your first step to maintaining momentum is to send out your meeting minutes immediately after the meeting. AgreeDo allows you keep track of your minutes while you’re running the meeting; making it easy for you to make note of all the great ideas shared in your meeting. By sending out the minutes, you are keeping your team engaged and assigning importance to your meeting’s objectives.

Staying on Task

Next, you must ensure that tasks assigned in your meeting are not forgotten or put on the wayside in favor other issues. If you are using our software efficiently, you should assign tasks right in your meeting, and, after the meeting, you must follow up with your team members who have been assigned tasks to track their progress. Keep them accountable with specific deadlines or maintain a timeline for long-term tasks.

Tying it Together

Lastly, continue to schedule meetings with your team to review the overall progress of your objectives. As you schedule the follow up meetings, consider including the team members with assigned tasks on your meeting agenda. Solicit their input for the agenda by sending them the agenda well in advance. AgreeDo makes collaboration easy without having to send out multiple emails. Continue to schedule the follow up meetings until your objectives have been achieved. Your persistence and follow-up will pay off as department begins to translate great ideas into great achievements!