Have you ever attended a boring meeting? Do you remember anything that was discussed in that meeting? Chances are, you don’t remember anything from that meeting and you probably didn’t provide any meaningful contributions. Boring meetings are not helpful to anyone, they are a waste of time and they are counterproductive. Here is what you can do to make your meetings, fun, innovative and informative.

Provide Visual Appeal

Start with a concise but informative agenda. Your agenda is your road map to tell your meeting participants what your meeting is about and what you hope to accomplish. Your agenda should only include information that is pertinent to the meeting. Our web application gives you the ability to create such an agenda and also gives you the ability for multiple collaborations in the process.
Bring appropriate slideshows, charts and anything else that will help to convey your message. Be sure that the screen for the presentation is large enough for everyone to see. The information on your slide show must be appropriately sized and organized so as not to overwhelm the audience. Include videos where possible, this switches things up. However, if you are using videos in your presentation, the size of your screen must be a good size and make sure the volume is loud enough for all to hear.

Make it Fun

Engage your audience. Ask them questions, role play when giving examples and give them time to give their opinions or to ask questions. You do not want your meeting to be a one person show. Otherwise, it turns into a lecture. During your meeting, call on people who are subject matter experts in certain areas for their input – they might be able to bring a different perspective to your material.

Comfort is Key

The size of your meeting room should be adequate enough to accommodate all the participants and giving them enough room to take notes. The room should not be too hot or too cold. Close the door to eliminate distractions.
Meetings should be an exciting opportunity to share ideas and information. Now you know just how to make it so!