We are proud to release a new layout for meeting notes. We tried to improve the user experience on large and small devices like Android or iPhone. Also, we added a new popup menu for easier and faster access to various item-related functions.

New Icon Position for Attachment and Task Progress Indicator

The functionality stays the same. Only three icons changed their positions.

New Icon Positions for Fold/Unfold, Attachment and Task Progress

  • The progress icon moved to the right just in between the assignee column and the due date column.
  • The attachment icon moved to the end of the text item
  • The fold/unfold icon moved to the upper left

The functionality is still there, only the icon positions have changed.

New Popup Menu on Item Type Icon

We added a new popup menu on the icon-type icons. Just click on the item type icon to reveal it:

Popup Menu on Item Type Icon

You find many useful functions on the popup menu. You may …

  • change the item type. You find more info on the 4 item types in the first part of our user manual.
  • outdent/indent the item
  • add a comment or attachment
  • delete the item

Also, you find info on who has created/updated this item and when.

So we find this a rather useful popup menu for those who prefer using the mouse to trigger functions. For those who prefer keyboard shortcuts: Please refer to the displayed shortcut hints shown on the menu.

The highlight for the currently selected item

Now the currently selected item is highlighted with a light blue background. This makes it easier for all attendees to follow the currently selected topic.

Improved Layout on Small Devices

We vastly improved the layout on small devices.

Improved Layout on Small Devices

As you can see, no indention is used on small devices like Android or iPhones. Thus the space available on those devices is used in a better way. Thus using AgreeDo on small devices is much easier and faster now. Again the popup menu makes it much easier to access various important functions on those devices.